What we like about school...

What I like about school by James (Year 9)
I like sport and playing soccer.
I like working with my friends.
I like going to class.
I like doing work.
I like starting a new day.
I like going home at the end of the day.
I like going to lunch.
I like walking to school.
I like going on the computer.
I like watching movies.

What I like doing at School
I like school because I see my friends.
I learn new things at school.
I like reading books
I like going home at the end of the day.
I like going on the computer.
I like eating at lunch
Denardo Fisher(Year 9)

What I like about School – by Kiarna (Year 9)
Getting to see all of my friends
Meet more people
Lunch and recess because I get to eat
Nice teachers
Lots of camps

My favourite things I like to do at school are…
Talking to my friends during work.
I like to play sports, they are soccer, cricket, basketball and indoor soccer.
I like to go on field trips in Marine Studies.
I like to play hand ball with my friends at lunch and recess.
I like to eat at recess and lunch because I always have a lot of food.
Mario Broddesson (Year 9)

What I like about school...
I like school because I get to see my friends.
I like photography and English but I only like English because we have Mr Xl now.
I go to school so I can learn thing so I can get a job and because my Mum says that I have to.
I like recess and lunch because I get to eat.
I don’t like photo day.
By Summer (Year 9)

The best thing about being at school… by Kaitlin (Year 9)
I like being at school because I have a good teacher for English.
Cool friends around Newton Moore Senior High School.
I like my English class because they are sharing and caring people
I like sport and the teacher and the people in my class
I like recess and lunch